
The Formies

Conscious Release

Emotions such as anxiety, worry, anger or annoyance are stressful for our body, IF we suppress them. What happens when we have those emotions? Basically, emotions are frequency waves.

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Nina Kleiber

Sanja, tell us…

How did you come to the Joy Academy and why did you decide to do the Certified Formies Coach training? In 2019, the Joy Academy founder, Prof. Kathrin Köster, was

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Kathrin Koester

Cast Off!

“Cast off!” The motto for 2024! Why? Let’s zoom out and look at life on Earth as a game:  Over the past millennia, people have been predominantly concerned with amassing

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Natalie Rodriguez

Good bye Nati, hello Natalie!

Do you sometimes feel that you want to do or say certain things or even have to do or say certain things in order to be recognized, loved and valued by your mom, dad, siblings❓Perhaps even things that don’t correspond to your nature at all❓

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Kathrin Koester

Trust in your path – go, go, go

You are all in: cleaning up your inside, peeling off layer after layer of mental programs and emotional patterns that keep you small and in the victim role.You located many

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The Formies

Believe in the (yet) Unseen – By Ioana Marin

“What you seek is seeking you”- says Rumi, the famous Persian poet and Sufi master. But how can you
seek or see what is seeking you if you have your eyes closed? The two eyes that help you explore the
world around you?

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Kathrin Koester

Joy at work

It is not a one-off experience in corporate Germany:
“ I was told by my boss to stop laughing loudly.” or you are asked by a colleague: “Why do you grin so
Smiling and laughing, expressions of joy, are still often frowned upon at the workplace. Why is this so?

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Kathrin Koester

What is a mistake?

First of all, what we tend to call a ‘mistake’ is an experience.
ℹ️ Experience is essential to build up awareness and knowledge.
In times of disruptive transformation, we need to create knowledge and awareness alike.

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