
How did you come to the Joy Academy and why did you decide to do the Certified Formies Coach training?

In 2019, the Joy Academy founder, Prof. Kathrin Köster, was teaching a course “The Pioneers of the 21st century” at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien). As a biotech entrepreneur, I was very focused on developing a highly effective and innovative organization. Kathrin’s approach to building organizations based on 12 alignments and the central significance of the purpose, had inspired me to learn more. This is how our relationship and my personal journey in the world of Formies had begun and last year resulted in my completion of the Certified Formies Coach training.

What does joy mean to you? What brings you joy in life?

Joy is the feeling of having a peace of mind and heart, and feeling deeply connected with the surroundings, both visible and invisible. Especially, the invisible reality draws me in, because as a scientist I am very curious and like to explore the less visible parts in ourselves as well as in our world. 

So, when I am deeply focused trying to understand a certain phenomenon, and a sudden insight strikes with a solution, it creates a great feeling of joy. But I also find joy in more simple things, such as quiet walks in the nature, the sound of ocean, children’s laughter, and in connecting and sharing life special moments with others.

How would you describe the Formies in one sentence?

Formies are metaphoric substitutes for different aspects of our biological and metaphysical self, which help us navigate the complexity of life.

Which is your favorite Formie and why?

This is a bit like having children and having to choose one over the other one 🙂 I have learned to like all of them, although some are more meaningful for my scientific work (consciousness – mind dimension), the other two are also important in sensing and conducting different phases of the creative process (heart – body dimension).

What have you discovered about yourself in the course of your transformation? What were groundbreaking AHA moments?

That not all our faculties (“Formies”) have the same responsibility in all situations. Like in an effective sport or a business team, our “Formies” each have a different role and take a lead in some but follow at other times.

Why would you recommend others to embark on this journey (towards a harmonious inner team)?

Understanding oneself is a key to increased happiness and effectiveness in both private and professional life spheres. It helps “clear up the lenses” and open new opportunities for oneself, our communities, and organizations.

When was the last time you laughed at yourself?

Last night, when I mispronounced a German word with a letter “U” instead of “Ü”: this subtle difference had made a big change in the meaning J

What is your vision for humanity / for our society? 

I wish for less fear and more authenticity in human relationships; the Formies method can help a lot in achieving exactly that.

You can find out more about Sanja here.

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