
The Formies

The Land of Heart

Over the last few centuries, the Western World, where societies are dominated by economy, has neglected the importance of the heart. Our schools and universities teach models based on Homo

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The Formies

The Land of Body

Every culture and language has phrases that reinforce the connections between mind, body and heart. ‘It’s in my stomach’, ‘It’s in my bones’, ‘The hairs on my arms are standing

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The Formies

The Land of Mind

The Land of Mind is the land we are most familiar with in our modern society. Therefore our self-exploration journey starts with a ‘mind safari’. Travelling through the Land of

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The Formies


The CORE is the travel destination of your self-exploration journey. It is your inner compass for authenticity and resilience. The source of your inner knowledge or intuition. It is the

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The Formies

Self-explorer – Robyn Deng, Taipei

Robyn cares for people. She is eager to learn and adopt new input to support cross-border collaboration in a fast-paced global world. Therefore, she engages in fostering organizational development in a

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The Formies

Challenge #10: Stuck?!

Stuck in your projects with a deadline relentlessly approaching? You are constantly pondering and starring into your laptop. Your thoughts are going in circles. You are not getting anywhere and

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Zebib Ghile

Self-explorer – Zebib Ghile, Stockholm

Being curious by nature, a bi-cultural and a Certified Formies Coach, Zebib is highly passionate about understanding human beings, switching perspectives and is fond of her Formies. She is excited

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