
The Formies

Conscious Release

Emotions such as anxiety, worry, anger or annoyance are stressful for our body, IF we suppress them. What happens when we have those emotions? Basically, emotions are frequency waves.

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The Formies

Believe in the (yet) Unseen – By Ioana Marin

“What you seek is seeking you”- says Rumi, the famous Persian poet and Sufi master. But how can you
seek or see what is seeking you if you have your eyes closed? The two eyes that help you explore the
world around you?

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The Formies

What a year!

It’s coming to an end – 2020 – a year of great global disruption. Almost everyone had been affected by the global pandemic in one way or another. How about

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The Formies

Transforming with the Formies

Transformations usually either begin with external circumstances forcing them (we all know how this feels by now) or with deliberate questions, such as ‘Am I really where I want to

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The Formies

Challenge #15 – Skip the Buts

Mr Mind often thinks his way of doing things is THE right one. When he faces new perspectives which are not in alignment with what he believes, he is rather

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The Formies

Intuitive communication

A strong intuition is very beneficial in many different situations. Out of the blue there is this inner voice. Sometimes it is a very subtle feeling and sometimes it is

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