Back to business as usual?


The global slumber is slowly coming to an end. These past months a lot of us may have been forced to change the way we usually do things and gain new perspectives. On the one hand we may have lost some things, on the other hand we might have learned a lot about ourselves. 

Countries are opening their borders, businesses are reopening, resuming their operations and people are regaining their freedom of movement.

It is easy to get back into old patterns and back to business as ‘usual‘.

But is this what you really want?

What are you going back to? Back to the way you have done things before? Which new needs and values have you identified and how can you continue to meet them? Which new habits and behaviors would you like to incorporate more in your daily life?

Now is the time to seize the opportunity and reflect upon how you would like to integrate these learnings into your ‘new‘ life. Imagine how this could look like and gradually change your life to the way you want it to be.

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