First of all, what we tend to call a ‘mistake’ is an experience. ℹ️ Experience is essential to build up awareness and knowledge. In times of disruptive transformation, we need to create knowledge and awareness alike.

First of all, what we tend to call a ‘mistake’ is an experience.
ℹ️ Experience is essential to build up awareness and knowledge.
In times of disruptive transformation, we need to create knowledge and awareness alike.

🔸 No mistakes are an indicator for no learning. 🔸
Part of the learning then is to evaluate the experience and to decide whether it is worthwhile repeating it or better not.

Typically, a mistake is related to a decision…
✔️ You like the result: you do it again. You are happy about your courage to have taken a decision. Otherwise, you would never know how the result feels like.
✔️ You don’t like the result: You have learnt what you don’t like. You know yourself better and you are proud of your courage to have taken a decision.

Regardless of the outcome, a ‘mistake’ shows you that you are taking action, that you are courageously taking decisions, and that you are learning from their outcomes. 💡
Thus, you create your own experience base – some call it life…

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