Self-explorer – Carolin Kugler, Pforzheim


Carolin, a trained media designer, has been driven by an overarching question for years: How can I BE myself? Who am I anyway? She finally took a decision: stop suffering, start to find the answers! Stop looking at what can go wrong, start focusing on what is going well.

“In the last years, my life became harder and harder. I always had this feeling that I was not good enough and I felt kind of left behind. I was missing passion. I was not even sure whether I knew the feeling. I googled it because it seemed so far away. I felt buried under heaps of duties: for anybody but me. I felt like a plant that was longing for water. I practiced to track my thoughts, my bodily sensations, and my emotions. And I was shocked to see how much negativity I had inside. Since I’ve embarked on my inner journey, I have more moments of laughter and inner peace. Step by step, I feel more at ease with myself.”

My advice to co-travellers:

“Looking for another partner or another job is not the solution. Diving into the inside brings insights. It’s an emotional roller coaster, but it’s worthwhile the effort. During the journey, I got even rid of my back pain :-)”

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