
Cultivating joy is a skill like any other and it can be developed over time.
It just takes the realization that you would like to experience more joy in your life and the decision that you want to find the things that bring you joy and cultivate them.

Finding your joy is a matter of an interplay between continuous self-exploration and experimentation in your day-to-day life.
You could try out different morning routines to set the tone for your day. Which one feels better? Which one has a longer effect on your feelings, energy levels, performance, the way people respond to you, etc.?

You can use this not only in the mornings, but at any time of your day.
What do you want to cultivate more of and what do you want to stop doing in order to experience more positive feelings? These are questions you can ask yourself on your exploration journey in any context, e.g. friends, work, family, leisure time, etc..

Make it a habit to look for small things that feel good, tweak them to your desire and make them an integral part of your daily life. You will quickly realize how simple it can be and yet, very effective to cultivate more joy in any moment.

The more you experiment, the more insights you will gain about yourself and find more of YOUR joy.

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