Self-explorer – Marek Otawa, Katowice

As a Polish executive, Marek‘s passion was the classical quest for success. Over years, he has found the source of it inside himself!
As I can remember, I was always curious about the definition of a successful life. It took many years to find out that a successful life doesn’t necessarily mean to have success literally.
Striving for the material and professional goals, I was always focused on my external world and tangible achievements. I also tended to mix up self-acceptance with pleasure and egocentricity with assertiveness. However, oddly enough, physical performances were not able to take away my internal fears and dilemmas. I stayed immune to my inner needs and even worse, I was not even aware of their existence. Moreover, I was not able to recognise the signals sent by my body, which strived after a new approach to life and the redefinition of the word “success”. Today I know that I was far away from the desired happiness and real satisfaction.
After years of looking for an answer, by meeting the right people and being inspired by them, I recognised that there is nothing wrong with possessing goods and making carriers. Nonetheless, the recipe for a meaningful life is in and not outside of my head and heart, and success is more a state of being than a state of having.
My advice to co-travellers:
To understand your environment in order to change it, you have to understand yourself. Only the awareness of the existence of your mind, emotions and your body can help you to create the necessary balance between these areas and create a thriving life at the same time. Then you will realise that the tangible achievements are the natural consequence of your balanced and united inside. You will also discover that the real and enduring power comes from your inside rather than from outside. Eventually, you will notice that this state is a solid base and precondition to start changing your environment and influencing people around you.

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