More clarity about leadership, responsibility, trust, agility


The Formies on tour in Vienna:

I had an intense week with pioneers and self-explorers who opened up for new thoughts and feelings. We experimented with deep listening, changing perspectives, and finding out more about the CORE. Clarity was one of our key themes: We can’t separate our emotions from our thoughts. We can’t separate the strategy of our organization from its purpose. We can’t separate societal changes from our personal transformation. And nature was very supportive with wonderful blue skies and colourful leaves ☺

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The Formies

Conscious Release

Emotions such as anxiety, worry, anger or annoyance are stressful for our body, IF we suppress them. What happens when we have those emotions? Basically, emotions are frequency waves.

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Inside The Joy Academy
Nina Kleiber

Sanja, tell us…

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Inside The Joy Academy
Kathrin Koester

Cast Off!

“Cast off!” The motto for 2024! Why? Let’s zoom out and look at life on Earth as a game:  Over the past millennia, people have

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