Self-Explorer #5 – Anca Banita, Bucharest


Anca Banita is passionate about traveling – into her inside and into other countries. She loves to explore the unknown and is intrigued by the power of awareness. “The CORE exercise brought me in touch with the beauty and wisdom I am carrying inside. I noticed elegance, warmth and peace. I was in flow – I had gotten home. What an amazing feeling! In that moment, an inner voice said: „This will be hard to repeat.“ It was the voice of Mr Mind. Then, a second voice tuned in: „What if it was easy?“ It was the first time I felt bigger than my self-limiting patterns.“

My advice to co-travellers: „Face every moment with presence and curiosity about what’s actually there, not some expectation of the mind. Sometimes, the lessons we have to learn are completely different than what you would have thought in the first place.“

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