Thunder in the bathroom


And there I was – half-naked, in the middle of the bathroom. Out of the blue, I heard my inner voice that struck me like thunder:

When will you finally stop carrying this heavy burden of negativity with you? You are always waiting to be happy. And the others are to blame for it not happening. Stop suffering, damn it!”

I entered the shower like hypnotized and asked the water to wash off my heavy burden and let it disappear in the drain.

Much to my surprise, it worked. I feel like I’ve been freed from a big lid: All is clearer, and my feelings are much more intense. Now, life is much easier. It’s my children and my husband who seem to be in shock now – they are no longer scolded. They are perceived as who they are, and not as who they should be…

I can enjoy the little things in life. I’m shining and want to share my light with others.

Am I drunk? No. I am finally happy!

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