Mirror, mirror, at the wall – who is the most courageous of them all?


Caro’s story about how it all started…

About two years ago I suddenly asked myself: who had designed our working time model, which leaves us so little room for ourselves? I looked around in my office and thought how stupid it actually was to stare at a screen for eight hours a day, forty hours a week for a pension which wouldn’t buy me even a cabin in the woods…yet, I couldn’t imagine to leave my apartment, my job, family and friends behind. I wasn’t sure why, but it was just beyond my imagination…Fear. Insecurity. Social pressure…

Pressure was so high that I even played with the idea of buying my apartment until the day I realized: I didn’t know who I really was! I googled the word passion because I didn’t know what that really was. And I asked myself: “Am I actually happy? What makes me unique? What is my goal?”

It was like I had spent years in a dark room and suddenly the light was switched on. I was ready for coaching – finally. Through various exercises I realized that I had to discover myself. I realized that my apartment was just an apartment, and my job was just a job, and I myself was not really me!

So I tried to listen to myself…and finally realized that it was the right time to finally make my dream come true to make a world trip. This feeling – to be ready – was suddenly there and my back pain, which had plagued me all year long, was blown away. I suddenly felt very light and slowly I recognized my true self…the happiness came back, the calmness was more and more part of my everyday life and I knew that I had taken the right decision. But I also knew that this decision would challenge me forever…

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