Self-explorers with the Formies – Julia Schönbrunn


Julia is a cosmopolitan with a strong passion for networks and transformation – transforming herself, teams, and organizations.

“ Through the connection with my new friends, the adorable Formies, I found a cheerful way to inner clarity. Most importantly, I feel more light-hearted and simply happier. And I’ve got a personal guide through all life situations: Conscious Me ☺

My advice to co-travellers: as I am a very visual person I sometimes imagine the Formies around me – they talk to me and Conscious Me makes sure all Formies are given the right to speak up…
and I’ve learnt to listen.”

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The Formies

Conscious Release

Emotions such as anxiety, worry, anger or annoyance are stressful for our body, IF we suppress them. What happens when we have those emotions? Basically, emotions are frequency waves.

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Inside The Joy Academy
Nina Kleiber

Sanja, tell us…

How did you come to the Joy Academy and why did you decide to do the Certified Formies Coach training? In 2019, the Joy Academy

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Inside The Joy Academy
Kathrin Koester

Cast Off!

“Cast off!” The motto for 2024! Why? Let’s zoom out and look at life on Earth as a game:  Over the past millennia, people have

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